Welcome. My name is Hol_nice.
Thank you for coming to my blog.
My main hobby is papercraft. Most of the posts in this blog are mainly of my works, that I designed myself.
I'm sorry the blog is written in Japanese. Have you found anything you're looking for?
Though my English is not good enough, I tried to provide some simple information here.
If you still find anything hard to understand (even after Googling), please copy the word/s and paste it to use a bilingual JP-EG web dictionary: http://www.alc.co.jp/index.html
Here are sample explanations of the words in the blog category. I have also provided information on free papercraft to share with you.
You can only download the models that belong to the category of "Free papercraft(フリーペーパークラフト)".
My paper models can be freely used only for non-commercial purposes.
P.S...To people all over the world
On March 11,2011, a wide area of northeastern Japan was encountered the damage of a huge earthquake and tsunami.
Because I lived in the west area of Japan, I did not have the direct damage.
However, some friends and acquaintances is the earthquake sufferers.
we sincerely appreciate the kind support from many people around the world.
I say on behalf of the Japanese.
Thanks to the support and assistance from around the world.
Thank you very much.
Arigatou "pray for Japan".
Doumo arigtou. Ganbarimasu.
:The explanation about the category of my blog.
「カテゴリ」= "Category"
The left of the page has "a category". It is written as "カテゴリ" in Japanese.
"日記" = "Diary" The news peg is included, too.
"ペーパークラフト" = "Papercraft" The record of the papercraft design process.
"作品ギャラリー" = "Paper Model Gallery" Photographs of my work. However, the latest design may not be put here.
"ガイアメモリ" = Japanese TV drama hero "Kamen Rider W"
I reproduced props("GAIA MEMORY") used in a drama by papercraft.
The development of this papercraft is do not distribute it.
"オーメダル" = Japanese TV drama hero "Kamen Rider OOO"
I reproduced props("OOO MEDAL") used in a drama by papercraft.
The development of this papercraft is do not distribute it.
"アストロスイッチ" = Japanese TV drama hero "Kamen Rider fourze"
I reproduced props("ASTRO SWICH") used in a drama by papercraft.
The development of this papercraft is do not distribute it.
"ペーパークラフト初級講座" = "A papercraft work beginner's class lecture"
A lecture for the person who is going to design the papercraft without using the PC.
"模型" = "plastic models(Aircraft model)" Another hobby of mine. Scale Model Aircraft build diary.
"プログラム" = "Programming"(Ruby)
"ベランダ園芸" = "Balcony Gardening" Another small hobby of mine.
"ゲームなど" = "Game" Game play diary.
"読書" = "Book reading" some book impression.
:The explanation about the "free papercraft category" of my blog.
「フリーペーパークラフト」= "free papercraft"
The left of the page has "free papercraft". It is written as "フリーペーパークラフト" in Japanese.
If the last of the title letter is "ペーパークラフト", it is an article including a downloadable pdf or picture file.
Old development is not pdf. It is an image file(jpg etc...144dpi). Approximately A4 size.
The most of the development in here are pdf files. From an article written in the text please find the name of the pdf file.
> filename.pdf :There is a part becoming like this.
If the last of the title letter is "組み立て説明", it is an article "assembly instructions".
The descriptions are written in Japanese. Please refer to a photograph.
Old "assembly instructions" is a picture file.
Recently, the article(blog post) itself is "assembly instructions".
The "assembly instructions" may be divided into several blog posts.
In that case,There is a link in the beginning of the "assembly instructions"blog posts.("第一回 or その1","第二回 or その2","第三回 or その3"... = "part1","part2","part3"...)
If the last of the title letter is not "ペーパークラフト"...and if the last of the title letter is not "組み立て説明"...
It may be an article about "expansion parts" if not written as "ペーパークラフト" or "組み立て説明" at the end of the sentence of the title.
Explain a title in the "free papercraft(フリーペーパークラフト)" category.
"(接着剤不要)簡単ペーパークラフト" = "Easily assembled papercraft (No glue)"
"Panda" mascot model.This model can be easily assembled. For beginners and children.
"ぬりえ自動車" = "Nurie car" "Nurie(ぬりえ or 塗り絵)" is "Coloring". This papercraf is a white model.
This model can be easily assembled. For beginners and children. Please paint color you free.
"ぬりえトラック" = "Nurie truck" This papercraf is a white model.
This model can be easily assembled. For beginners and children. Please paint color you free.
"ぬりえ色々乗り物" = "Nurie various cars" This papercraf is a white model.
This model can be easily assembled. For beginners and children. Please paint color you free.
You can build a car with any combination of the blocks.
"ぬりえハウス" = "Nurie house" This papercraf is a white model.
This model can be easily assembled. For beginners and children. Please paint color you free.
"「ぬりえビッグロボ」ペーパークラフト" = "Nurie Big Robot" This papercraf is a white model. Please paint color you free.
"ドールハウス用レトロ家電" = "An antique home electrical appliance for doll's house" 1:12 scale
This model is rice cooker and refrigerator for the dollhouse. The motif of the 1960-1970s Japanese home electrical appliance.
"ドールハウス用流し台" = "An antique sink for doll's house" 1:12 scale
This model is sink and more(pan,kitchen knife,cutting board(chopping block),Draining Basket) for the dollhouse.The motif of the 1960-1970s Japanese sink.
"ドールハウス用ガス台とガスコンロ" = "An antique gas range and gas range cabinet for doll's house" 1:12 scale
This model is gas range and more(cabinet,frying pan,ventilating fan) for the dollhouse. The motif of the 1960-1970s Japanese gas range.
"ドールハウス用食器棚" = "An antique Cupboard for doll's house" 1:12 scale
This model is Cupboard and more(Kettle,Toaster oven,Kitchenscale) for the dollhouse.The motif of the 1960-1970s Japanese Cupboard.
"ドールハウス用ダイニングテーブル" = "Dinning table and chairs for doll's house" 1:12 scale
"ドールハウス用洋服ダンス" = "Closet for doll's house" 1:12 scale
"ドールハウス用洋服ダンス(簡易版)" = "Closet for doll's house (easy ver)" 1:12 scale
"ドールハウス用ソファーセット" = "sofa and table for doll's house" 1:12 scale
"ドールハウス用スチール棚" = "Steel shelf for doll's house" 1:12 scale
This model is Steel shelf and TV and VCR and stereo components.
"ドールハウス用カラーボックス" = "Color box(shelf) for doll's house" 1:12 scale
This model is Color box(shelf) for the dollhouse.
"ドールハウス用ダンボール箱" = "cardboard box for doll's house" 1:12 scale
This model is cardboard box for the dollhouse.
"ぬりえマスコット" = "Nurie mascot doll" This papercraf is a white model.
This model can be easily assembled. For beginners and children. Please paint color you free.
"ミニクリスマスツリー" = "Mini Christmas tree" This model can be easily assembled. For beginners and children.
"こいのぼりのポップアップカード" = "Koinobori Pop_up card" This model is Pop_up card. Do you know "KOINOBORI"?(Koinobori_wikipedia)
"おひなさま" = "Ohinasama" (Hina-ningyou) papercraft. Do you know "Hinamatsuri"? (Hinamatsuri_wikipedia)
"ぬりえ宇宙船" = "Nurie spaceship" This papercraf is a white model.
This model can be any combination of parts.
└"ぬりえ宇宙船用飾り台" = "Display stand"
└"追加パーツ1" = "expansion parts 1" expansion parts for Nurie spaceship.
└"追加パーツ2" = "expansion parts 2" expansion parts for Nurie spaceship.
Nurie spaceship has no plans for a new series. Because this is my old design.
Redesign is being considered now.
"Triangle-UFO" Triangle-UFO papercraft.
"シンプルなUFO" = "Adamski-Type UFO" papercraft.
"葉巻型UFO" = "Cigar-Type UFO" papercraft.
"Pyramid-UFO" = "Pyramid-Type UFO" papercraft.
"うつろ舟(UFO)ペーパークラフト" = "Utsuro-bune UFO" papercraft.
This UFO(?) was witnessed in Japan in the past.
"1/72マイルズM.52ペーパークラフト" = "1:72scale Miles M.52"papercraft.
Experimental supersonic aircraft of the United Kingdom.
"1/150小型ビル" = "1:150scale Small Building" 1:150 N-gauge(N scale) In Japan.
"1/150小型ビル2" = "1:150scale Small Building 2" 1:150 N-gauge(N scale) In Japan.
"1/150小型ビル3" = "1:150scale Small Building 3" 1:150 N-gauge(N scale) In Japan.
"1/150診療所" = "1:150scale Clinic" 1:150 N-gauge(N scale) In Japan.
"1/150四面ビル" = "1:150scale Small Building" 1:150 N-gauge(N scale) In Japan.
"約1/150 683系" = "About1:150scale 683kei electrical train" 1:150 N-gauge(N scale) In Japan.
683kei is Japanese train. It is nicknamed the "Snow Rabbit".
"デフォルメ電車489系" = "super deformation electrical train 489kei" super deformation(SD) model.
489kei is Japanese train.
"デフォルメ電車201系" = "super deformation electrical train 201kei" super deformation(SD) model.
The commuter train in Japan.
"デフォルメ電気機関車EF55" = "super deformation Electric locomotive EF55" super deformation(SD) model.
The legacy of Japanese electric locomotives.
"デフォルメフェリー" = "super deformation ferryboat" super deformation(SD) model.
Do you want to load the minicar(TOMICA) here? Please put the cardboard on the bottom of a ferryboat.
"護衛艦ひゅうが" = "JMSDF DDH181 (HYUGA class)" About1:900scale
JMSDF (Japan Maritime Self Defence Force) DDH(Helicopter Defense Destroyer)181 HYUGA class.
Coming Soon, there will be a new version. ...A small mistake is corrected.
"駆逐艦ズムウォルト" = "USS Zumwalt class destroyer" About1:900scale.
"デフォルメ特殊潜航艇「蛟龍」" = "IJN Ko-hyoteki-class midget submarine Type D Koryu" SD(super deformed style) style.
This tour guide is going to always correct it. Thank you.